1. My children
2. My career (in order to support my children)
3. My education (in order to set the best example for my children and grow in my career)
4. Friends and Family
5. Everything else
Unfortunately, this blog falls into the everything else category. So when I had the great fortune of starting to date someone very special six and a half months ago, something had to give. In order to make time for this new person in my life, I had to take time away from something else. Since I will not take time away from my children, this blog was what had to get set aside. Now that the relationship is over I should be able to be more consistent in my posts.
In the end I asked myself, “Was this short lived relationship worth the cost? How many readers did I lose by taking a break in order to nurture a domed relationship?” My answer to that is, “It was well worth the cost!” Although we were not meant for each other, I am thankful for the time we had together. He was exactly what I needed at this time in my life. You see, I had given up on dating and stopped even putting myself out there to date. But one thing that I want to give my children more than anything is a father figure in their lives that will teach them and guide them and treat them as well as my step father treated me. This man definitely filled that role. He is the best father I have seen in many years and he treated my children better than I could have ever asked anyone to do.
In fact, about midway through our relationship, I started wondering if I was dating him for me or for my children. Because I know that in order to truly have the relationship I want, I need to make sure he is first right for me, and second right for my children. Then I went on a business trip in June and I took him with me and I realized we had more in common than just our children. He is truly a great guy and a lot of fun to be around. He made me laugh and feel young and alive again. I haven’t felt that way in years. I will miss his tickling and teasing and his gorgeous smile. I will miss his words of encouragement when I get down on myself. And I will miss going camping with him and playing outdoors. I have to say, he set the bar pretty high for the next guy. I feel sorry for anyone that has to follow him. Luckily we left as friends and I will always be thankful for his friendship.
In order to find that very special someone that will complete my little family I will be required to date a lot of different men. I will find losers and I will find winners but I will not give up looking. Fortunately for you as my readers, I like good long breaks from dating after I break up with someone as special as this last guy was. (I hate rebound dating because I feel like I am just leading both of us on.) That means that I will not likely be dating anyone new before I finish my MBA and PMP next June. Therefore, even if I do find a new special someone, school will be done and I will have time for writing and dating. At least that is my plan right now. We’ll see how much God laughs at this plan. He likes to mess with me and throw wrenches in most of my plans. You’ll just have to keep checking in on a regular basis to see if God has started messing with me yet. Until next time…. Take care and God bless.