At first I thought she meant that she was not very good at catching fish. Then I realized that she was talking about herself. Hearing this made me sad for her. Here is this amazing woman and she doesn’t think she is much of a catch. How can she not see how amazing she is? It made me realize that there are a great number of women that feel this way about themselves. Too often we let the harsh words of people around us touch us much too deeply and allow these words to create negative feelings about ourselves.
That is why I am going to ask you to do an exercise this week. I want you to look at the questions below and write down in a journal that only you will see the answers to these questions. Then we are going to take a journey together to help us change for the better how we feel about ourselves. So go get a pad of paper and let’s get started. Ready?
1. What do you think about yourself?
2. What do you think about your relationships?
3. Now consider what you just wrote. Why do you think about yourself and your relationships that way?
4. Are you surprised with what you wrote? Pleased? Saddened?
5. Is there anything that you want to change?
Action is the key to making positive changes in your life. But before you can take action, you have to make a decision on what you want out of life. Do you want success or do you want failure? If you want success, then I highly suggest that you watch this short excerpt from my favorite book of all times… “The Strangest Secret” by Earl Nightingale.
Remember, your mind is like a garden, what you plant in it is up to you. Why not plant beautiful things in it to enjoy throughout the day? Do yourself a favor and write three positive things about yourself and your relationships. Then read them multiple times throughout the day, especially first thing when you wake up and right before laying down to sleep. If you find yourself thinking negative thoughts pull out your paper immediately and read the positive ones. After doing this for two weeks, go back to your journal and answer the questions above again. You may not see immediate results but hopefully you will begin to feel differently about yourself over time. Because you are AMAZING! Just ask someone who loves you.